Friday, April 18, 2008

Collections Rule!

I'm getting ready for a weekend of projects. One of my obsessions is collecting....all kinds of things...and having a very hard time letting go. I am very eclectic as to what I might decide to collect and how I choose to decorate areas of our house. As far as architectural design is concerned, we live in a predominately Victorian house, but Victorian furnishings are not high on my list as far as design and comfort. So, there is not one theme in our house, which may make many designers shudder, but I am quite happy to have it that way. If I had multiple houses, perhaps I would have a single theme in each, but until our "money tree" bears fruit, I have to be happy with various themes throughout the house that we have!

I've included photos of one of my collections...Molly Dallas Pottery. When attending trade shows featuring "Country" handcrafted items, I was always drawn to their booth. Whether it was the blue and white background (one of my favorite color palettes) or the cows, roosters, sheep and pigs, I finally decided to carry it in our gift store and of course pieces began to find their way home! On one shelf, two of my favorite roosters guard Molly and other blue "treasures." You may catch a glimpse of another collection/obsession, bowls (vintage and repro).

This weekend I will be working on editing and beginning to print parts of the "Save The Date" cards for our son's wedding. Because it is a destination wedding, we are including individual sheets on various topics which will be incorporated into a "bow-tied booklet." Wish me luck and patience!

It's finally going to reach the '80s today! Most of my warm weather clothes are still in the attic....another weekend project! I'm also including some photos taken in and around my friend's lovely backyard. Her yard has not been invaded by "bobcats" and construction crews. These little nooks offer a much needed escape for contemplation and relaxation.

The other day I registered at the PaperBackSwap website (see sidebar). You list books that you are willing to swap. In the beginning you list 10 and receive 2 credits towards books you order and from then on when you send out a book, you will pay to mail them and receive one credit per book that you may redeem to request books from other people (they pay to mail to you). This is a great way to recycle books and replenish your own reading material at a very frugal price. Within 12 hours, I received two requests for books and will now have 4 credits to use for books I find. I tend to read fast and hate to pay the current rate of $8-$10 per book at bookstores.

On to the projects at hand!

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